
Love Story

Thirty days had September:

Don’t forget the simple things. Though he keeps me well, Mr. Truffle recently came home with a set of dishes from a garage sale. He didn’t ask, nor did I suggest it. He just felt I would like something of that sort if it was unique. I guess it’s not the stuff, nor the time, but the thought and the concern he shows for me that I most value. While we may wish for money and expensive gifts, what we really need to be happy are the simple things. You know, I wouldn’t trade Mr. Truffle for Mr. Trump. Still head over heels after all these years.

Mr. & Mrs. Truffle.
A perfect match!

Ricky & Lucy

Back in the day...

Here's to many more...
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  1. You two are adorable! You are blessed!!

  2. So sweet...love is the best and most valuable gift-I am so grateful for the love of my husband! Thank you for sharing!
